BDS (India), General Dentist
Dr Gurpreet K Virk is a female General Dentist who speaks Hindi and Punjabi (as well as English).
Dr Gurpreet Virk is a registered member of APHRA and the Australians Dental Association with 4 years of experience as a dentist and a further 3 years in the dental industry.
Dr Virk is a dedicated and professional practitioner with a great range of experience gain across several practices across Sydney. She is an enthusiastic and passionate dentist with interest in a wide range of areas in dentistry, with a particular interest in improving and promoting oral health within her community.
With her interests in mind Dr Virk regularly attends professional development courses which allow her to keep up to date on up coming changes and the latest techniques and developments in dentistry, which she can utilise to ensure the very best level of care for her patients.
Gurpreet is a caring and empathetic dentist who listens and understands the concerns and needs of her patients, she is quick to build a rapport with her patients especially with families and children.