Dr Grace A Amey Wingewarra Dental Dubbo

Dr Grace A Amey

BDSc (CSU), General Dentist

Dr Grace A Amey is a female General Dentist.

Dr Grace Amey grew up in Dubbo before moving to Orange to study Dentistry at Charles Sturt University. After completing her degree in 2015, she has returned to her home-town to practice dentistry and help keep the people of Dubbo smiling!

Grace is passionate about oral health promotion and knows that a big part of dentistry is educating people on good oral hygiene and how important oral health is to general health and wellbeing. She prides herself on making her patients feel comfortable when treating them to make for an enjoyable experience at the dentist, as well as providing high quality care to those in pain or discomfort.

Grace is mature, empathetic and values exceptional patient care as being the upmost important aspect of dental practice. As a graduating dentist she hopes to be able to do her part to ensure that a high standard of healthcare is brought to regional areas of central NSW.