BDS (Hons), MSc (Pros), DClinDent (Pros) (Syd), MRACDS (Pros), FRACDS, Specialist Prosthodontist
Dr Ghada MM Soliman is a female Specialist Prosthodontist who speaks Arabic (as well as English).
Dr Ghada Soliman is a registered prosthodontist in Australia. She graduated in year 2000 from Cairo University, Egypt with an excellent degree with honours. Her 10-year overseas experience involved working in hospital and private settings, in addition to clinical teaching at the Department of Prosthodontics, Cairo University. She became a Specialist in Egypt in 2007 when she was granted her Master’s Degree of Science in Prosthodontics.
She expanded her career by moving to Australia after she finished her qualification recognition exams (ADC) in Melbourne 2010.
She worked in private practice in Sydney for 4 years before seeking further challenges and committing to a 3-year postgraduate course of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in 2015 at the prestigious University of Sydney. She was granted her degree as a Specialist in Prosthodontics in 2018. She is currently working in the specialist department at Westmead Dental Hospital where she manages patients who require complex cosmetic and dental care. She is also a team member at the Westmead orofacial pain and maxillofacial cancer clinics. She is working in private practice and is a lecturer in the fixed prosthodontics course at The University of Sydney.
Her interests are cosmetic dentistry, implants, and integrated removable and fixed prosthodontics. Her rule in life and work is to always keep it simple.