Dr Gary C Scheepers Silas Street Dental East Fremantle

Dr Gary C Scheepers

General Dentist

Dr Gary C Scheepers is a male General Dentist.

Gary is an extremely competent dentist who has had over twenty years experience, working on three continents, and will be joining our practice in early August 2013. He is well-rounded in all fields of dentistry, with special skills in endodontics, for which he has a Post-Graduate Diploma. He gained valuable experience in minor surgical procedures whilst assisting a Maxillo Facial Surgeon for many years. He has worked as a Visiting Dental Officer for Queensland Health, doing most of their paediatric general anaesthetic cases, as well as minor oral surgery procedures. Gary has completed the University of Qld soft tissue laser course and has also been a part-time university Clinical Supervisor, training undergraduate students. He has experience in placing implants and completing the restorative aspect of different implant systems. We are extremely pleased to have such a highly competent, ethical colleague with a broad interest field and range of experiences, working as Associate Dentist at Silas St Dental.