Dr Garret L Robles MyToothDoctor Bushland Beach

Dr Garret L Robles

DMD, General Dentist

Dr Garret L Robles is a male General Dentist who speaks Filipino (as well as English).

Dr Robles has more than 15 years of clinical and teaching experience in dentistry. He has a special interest and training in paediatric dentistry and special needs dentistry. Dr Robles’ was Dentist-in-Charge of JCU Dental Townsville from 2014-2015, a clinical placement facility for fifth year dental students.

Recognising the challenges in providing much needed dental services to our rural and remote communities, Garret conceptualised Project Outback Dental (POD)® (www.projectoutbackdental.com.au), a private mobile dental facility for patients in Central West and Northern Queensland. He later established the Townsville city surgeries of MYTOOTHDOCTOR™. He hopes to encourage local graduates to share his passion in addressing this gap in our oral health system and at the same time explore the beauty of Outback Queensland with his family.

Dr Robles is also affiliated with the Mater Hospital North Queensland (Pimlico and Hyde Park) as a General Dental Practitioner (Paediatric) and is currently Principal Dentist of the Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS) Dental Unit.