Dr Frances I Denney Busselton Dental Clinic Busselton

Dr Frances I Denney

BDSc (WA), General Dentist

Dr Frances I Denney is a female General Dentist.

In 2012 Frances graduated from the University of Western Australia with the degree Bachelor of Dental Sciences (BDSc). She is the third generation of the Denney family to hold this qualification with both her Grandfather and Father also having the degree BDSc WA. Frances grew up in Busselton in Western Australia’s South West, she moved to Perth in 2007 to begin her studies.

Since graduating Frances has enjoyed working in both rural and metropolitan dental clinics, consolidating and building on her clinical skill set. Frances is interested in all aspects of Dentistry, she enjoys cosmetic and restorative dentistry, Invisalign and is keen to build on her surgical and implant skills, which she is actively doing by attending courses. Frances also has a strong interest in Cad Cam technology, which allows dentists to design fillings and crowns on a computer. Frances is caring and compassionate, she is understanding of patient’s individual circumstances, needs and wants and works together with her patients to ensure the best outcome is achieved.