Dr Fiona TL Lim Pearly Whites Dentistry Devonport

Dr Fiona TL Lim

BDS (Lond), General Dentist

Dr Fiona TL Lim is a female General Dentist who speaks Cantonese, French, Malay and Mandarin (as well as English).

Dr Fiona graduated from King’s College, University of Medicine and Dentistry (London, UK) and has 25 years working experience.

Dr Fiona has operated her own surgery for 10 years in Sabah, Malaysia before relocating to Australia 13 years ago, working on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland and now based in Tasmania.

Dr Fiona enjoys all aspects of dentistry, and regularly updates her skills with continuing education to give her patients the best care possible. During her career, Dr. Fiona has regularly volunteered her services for aged care and remote areas.

Dr Fiona is experienced in treating nervous patients and is always gentle to make sure her patients feel comfortable at the dentist.