Dr Fatemeh  Heidarygorji Blue Tooth Dental Newtown

Dr Fatemeh Heidarygorji

DDS (Iran), General Dentist

Dr Fatemeh Heidarygorji is a female General Dentist who speaks Persian (as well as English).

I graduated with DDS in general dentistry in 2004 in Iran (Persia). Suffering from dental issues growing up, I spent a lot of time in dental chairs where it sparked my interest in becoming a dentist. I came to Australia with my husband in 2007 and successfully completed the NSW International Dental Graduates exams a year later and was very lucky to be selected as one of the top ten candidates. I was given the opportunity to attend a training program at the University of Sydney and during that year I worked at Westmead Dental Hospital and Sydney Dental Hospital. I worked in a variety of public and private practices in Iran and Australia. I am registered with the National Dental Board of Australia and I am also a member of the Australian Dental Association.