Dr Emma T Parsons Coastal Dental Care Kingscliff Kingscliff

Dr Emma T Parsons

BOH (DentSci), MDent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Emma T Parsons is a female General Dentist.

Dr Emma has a Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science and a Master of Dentistry which she earned at Griffith University in her home town of the Gold Coast.

During post-graduate dentistry studies Emma loved to get involved with charity dental work and orchestrated and operated free dental services for people who are homeless, children in foster care and also clinics in remote indigenous communities.

Throughout study, Emma worked at various dental clinics as an assistant and clinic coordinator. After completing university Emma followed an interest for rural health, relocating to Gympie to work as the sole dentist at a clinic.

Dr Emma always knew she wanted to become a dentist and this dream only grew with time. When she was 9 she had an accident which knocked out her front tooth and was amazed when her dentist saved her tooth. Emma was able to experience firsthand just how valuable dentistry can be in order to restore quality of life and confidence. Working as a dentist later in life Emma’s most memorable experience was caring for a 9 year old girl who had knocked out her front tooth just like Emma did. Emma was so glad to have helped save the tooth and restore her smile. Emma also enjoys working with children and special needs patients.