BDS (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), General Dentist
Dr Elena F Hartop is a female General Dentist.
Dr Elena completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom in 2019. She started working as a general dentist in the UK until only recently when she decided to move to Australia. She joined our surgery in December 2022 and has very quickly become a very efficient and popular team member.
She loves all aspects of dentistry and her patient centric approach makes her very popular among all our patients. Her beautiful calm nature and very caring attitude towards not only her patients but also towards her colleagues, makes her a very valuable asset to our surgery.
“I love helping people in need of dental care and believe that dental care delivered with a caring heart will always achieve great results and a positive experience for every patient. I love to help my patients in a very polite and empathetic manner”.