DMD (Boston), General Dentist
Dr Elda Tabourian-Hanna is a female General Dentist who speaks Arabic and French (as well as English).
Dr Elda has been a dentist for over 20 years, she comes from a family of dentists, with her grandfather, father and brother all dentists.
She is both a registered Dentist and Dental hygienist, she graduated from Northeastern University in Boston and the Forsyth dental center with a degree in health sciences and dental hygiene, she then obtained her dental degree(DMD) from Boston University and went on to the residency program at Boston University AEGD.
She also has been a lecturer at Saint Joseph University in Lebanon and at Sydney University Dental school.
Dr Elda is a member of the ADA and of the American and Canadian Dental boards.
She particularly enjoys treating periodontics( gum disease) and working with children.
She is passionate about oral health and spends a lot of time educating and encouraging her patients to maintain good oral health.
Dr Elda has been volunteering at local schools and preschools educating kids about the importance of oral care.