Dr Ehsan  Mellati Precision Periodontics Chatswood

Dr Ehsan Mellati

DDS, DClinDent (Perio) (Melb), Specialist Periodontist

Dr Ehsan Mellati is a male Specialist Periodontist who speaks Farsi and Persian (as well as English).

Dr Ehsan (Ethan) Mellati, is a renowned periodontist in private practice in Sydney and his practice is restricted to periodontics and implant dentistry. He has worked in several locations throughout the Sydney region and has gained reputation for his clinical excellence and patient management skills. He has always been passionate about sharing his knowledge and holds teaching positions at University of Sydney, LaTrobe University and Charles Sturt University. Dr Mellati is the recipient of the prestigious ITI (International Team for Implantology) grant for his postgraduate thesis focusing on healing of hard and soft tissues around immediate implants. He has published several articles in reputable international journals and has been actively involved in presenting lectures, running courses, and teaching dental students and overseas trained dentists. He is an active member of International Team for Implantology, Australian Dental Association, Australian Society of Periodontology, and Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists.