BDSc (Melb), General Dentist
Dr Eddie Sansil is a male General Dentist.
Dr Sansil graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1998 and began practising at Knox Terrace Dental in 1999. He is a keen proponent of continuing education, and has completed numerous courses of study in dentistry, with a particular focus on dental implants. Over the past years, he has completed numerous cosmetic, crown and bridge, and implants based courses including an International Team for Implantology Surgical course and a Master Course in Guided Bone Regeneration and Sinus Augmentation at the University of Berne Switzerland in 2012. Up to date, he is a proud member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA-Victoria) and the ITI as well. He has keen interests in surgical implant dentistry and complex implant restorations including All On 4 procedures.