BDS (Adel), General Dentist
Dr Douglas N Erskine is a male General Dentist.
A graduate of 1974, owned practices in Millicent and Penola and then Mt Gambier, all insanely busy. Worked in NHS London and Pembroke Wales for 12 months.
Born in Tanzania, lived in Newcastle England, Kariba Zimbabwe, Red Cliffs Victoria, Adelaide, Millicent, Mt Gambier, Coffin Bay, Port Lincoln.
Made over 16000 dentures. I’m very particular about my work and I like having a laugh with patients. I like all the people I work with at Port Lincoln Dental and I can have fun.
Port Lincoln is a beautiful place to live with friendly people. An escape from city pollution, heavy traffic and people everywhere.
I enjoy being close to family, working on my golf swings and being with my dogs.
If I could be anywhere else other than here right now it would be Coffin Bay.