Dr Donna L Furler Clare Valley Family Dental Clare

Dr Donna L Furler

BOH (Adel), BDS (Adel), General Dentist

Dr Donna L Furler is a female General Dentist.

Donna grew up in Kadina; she completed a Bachelor of Oral Health at The University of Adelaide, where she graduated in 2005 as an Oral Health Therapist. She worked as an OHT in private & public practice including remote Indigenous communities throughout Australia.

From 2008 to 2010 Donna lived in East Timor, where she volunteered as a dental program coordinator. Donna’s experience in East Timor provided motivation to pursue her passion further. She returned to study & completed a Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree at James Cook University in Queensland in 2015. Donna returns to East Timor on a yearly basis to provide dental care.

Donna has recently moved back to SA and now calls Clare home. She is very pleased to have joined CVFD in 2016. Donna has a keen interest in all aspects of dentistry, she enjoys working with patients to improve oral health & strives to provide dental care of the highest quality.