Dr Dominic  Ho East Keilor Dental Keilor East

Dr Dominic Ho

BDSc (Melb), General Dentist

Dr Dominic Ho is a male General Dentist.

Dr Dominic Ho graduated from Melbourne University in 1989 and has been practicing in Keilor East since 1990.

On graduation, he joined the Australian Dental Association and recently received his certificate for 25 years with the association (very much to his surprise). He also served with the Australian Army Reserves for 18 years before joining the inactive reserves in 2008.

Dominic’s interest is in general dentistry and as such he is keen to practice in all facets of dentistry. To develop his special interests, he has previously been a member of the endodontic (root canal), periodontic (gum disease) and osseointergration (implant) societies. Dominic believes strongly in continuing education and regularly attends courses to further his knowledge and skills.