Dr Dominic  Etheridge Claremont Dental Claremont

Dr Dominic Etheridge

BDS (Bristol), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Conscious Sedation and Pain Control), General Dentist

Dr Dominic Etheridge is a male General Dentist.

Dom has worked exclusively in general practice since graduating from the University of Bristol (UK) in 2004, with all but one year spent right here in beautiful Perth, Western Australia. Through his extensive experience gained treating patients over the decades, Dom has come to enjoy all aspects of dentistry and continues to find it both stimulating and fulfilling. He has a particular interest in family restorative dentistry and adult cosmetic dentistry, with a firm belief that preventative habits should be taught at an early age. Dom is committed to lifelong learning. It has been several years since he completed his Diploma in Conscious Sedation and Pain Control at the University of Sydney and more recently a graduate Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis. The former enables him to administer all forms of conscious sedation in patients who feel anxious, may have a dental phobia or simply want to feel extremely relaxed when receiving their dental treatment. This includes patients who wish to have their dental treatment under “twilight sedation”. A foundation in clinical hypnosis has deepened his understanding in how communication techniques are vital in building trust beyond dentist and patient and further the ways in which Dominic can help you feel safe and comfortable when undertaking your dental treatment. It’s all part of Claremont Dental’s commitment to care, providing the safest, most relaxed environment possible to help you openup and get more from your dental treatment.

As not only the Principal Dentist, but also the Practice Owner, Dominic has worked hard and is proud to have put together an amazing team at Claremont Dental. Each and every member has shown a continued drive to offer our patients the highest level of care and expertise.