Dr Deep S Patel  Hastings Family Dental Care Hastings

Dr Deep S Patel

BBioMedDDS (Melb), General Dentist

Dr Deep S Patel is a male General Dentist who speaks Gujarati and Hindi (as well as English).

Deep has completed his secondary and tertiary education in Melbourne. He obtained a Biomedical Science Scholars degree from Monash University and graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at the University of Melbourne. During his degree, he was awarded multiple awards including Edward Brooke Nicholls Prize for Anatomy, The William Leslie Elvins Prize for Oral Surgery, Mervyn Townsend Memorial Prize in Orthodontics and Oral Medicine Academy of Australasia Dental Graduate Award of Excellence.

Deep has gained experience at various metropolitan and rural community clinics, private clinics and hospitals across Victoria. In 2019, Dr Deep volunteered for a dental outreach to Nepal, providing dental care for a disadvantaged rural community outside Kathmandu.

Deep is passionate about providing comprehensive dental care and enjoys all aspects of general dentistry. He has a gentle and caring approach and he believes in offering patients a tailored treatment plan while educating and empowering them to achieve their oral health goals. Deep is continuously learning to stay up to date with the latest technology and best dental practices.