Dr Debra SN Ong Byford Dental Centre Byford

Dr Debra SN Ong

BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Debra SN Ong is a female General Dentist.

Dr Debra Ong has had a strong interest in dentistry from a very young age. After taking the initiative and learning more about dentistry she realised how in depth being a dentist truly is, showing that there is more to dentistry than just drilling and filling of teeth.

Dr Debra takes great care in the health and well-being of her patients by serving their present and future oral health needs. She considers dentistry to be a fruitful and personally rewarding profession from being able to help patients, to changing their lives leaving a positive impact on them.

She also enjoy’s the challenges of her work, the lifetime of knowledge she has accrued, while looking forward to what she has yet to learn. While having a strong fascination and drive for understanding the latest and upcoming technology, techniques and procedures.