Dr David  Trinh Mitcham Dental Clinic Mitcham

Dr David Trinh

BHSc (Dent), MDent (Latrobe), General Dentist

Dr David Trinh is a male General Dentist who speaks Vietnamese (as well as English).

Dr David Trinh graduated with a Masters of Dental Science from La Trobe University. Since then, he has also completed a Masters of Public Health and Masters of Health Management through the University of New South Wales. David began his career in rural Victoria where he also worked as a clinical demonstrator, teaching final year La Trobe University dental students. He currently is an external examiner for La Trobe University and the co-director of the Rotary Australia-Vietnam Dental Volunteer Project.

David enjoys meeting new patients and helping them overcome dental anxiety by creating a friendly and comfortable environment. He enjoys aesthetic dentistry, root canal therapy and helping his patients keep their teeth for life.