Dr David J Sweeney 151 Dental Alexandria

Dr David J Sweeney

BSc (AMS), BDS (Syd) Grad Dip Management, General Dentist

Dr David J Sweeney is a male General Dentist.

David has an innate ability to make people feel instantly comfortable and at ease. Most of David’s patients have been continuously seeing him for over 10 years, following him from other practices and often travelling more than an hour to see him.

David is a great talker, and that is part of his charm. He can often explain what is going on in terms everybody can understand, but more often than not he is telling stories about his eccentric family to make people laugh and forget they are at the dentist. It is surprising the amount of David’s patients that fall asleep while he is working. This is a true reflection of just how gentle he is, not how boring he is! David takes snoring as a compliment.

Aside from being a practicing dentist, David lectures nationally and internationally and has held faculty positions with the University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University.