Dr Daniel W Murray  Geraldton Dental Care Geraldton

Dr Daniel W Murray

BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Daniel W Murray is a male General Dentist.

Dr Daniel Murray moved to Geraldton at the beginning on 2016 with his wife Sarah and young family from Brisbane. Daniel had been visiting Geraldton and the Mid-West for the 10 years prior to the move to visit Sarah's family who are Geraldton Locals. Dr Murray's approach to dentistry is that we want to make the Dental Clinic a place which is as calm and as pleasurable as possible because not everyone likes the dentist. He takes times to explain various treatment options with his patients to ensure they are aware of their options. Daniel enjoys working with patients all of ages including children and aims to make their dental appointments as fun and enjoyable as possible to form positive lifelong experiences with Dental professionals.