Dr Daniel G Abbondanza Accent Dental Care Perth

Dr Daniel G Abbondanza

BDSc (WA), General Dentist

Dr Daniel G Abbondanza is a male General Dentist.

Dr Daniel Abbondanza graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor of Dental Science at the University of Western Australia. Since then he has continued his education with the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, completing the primary examinations for the fellow of the Royal Academy of Australian Dental Surgeons.

Dan’s cares a lot about aesthetic dentistry, its integration with implant dentistry and how, performed with the right hands, it can change the way people view themselves and experience life. In 2009 he completed a master’s program in implant dentistry through UCLA, finishing top of the class. He maintains an active interest in the dental society in his role as a federal committee member representing Western Australia for the Australian Prosthodontic Society 2009/2014.