Dr Conny  Qian FirstBite Dental Practice Essendon North

Dr Conny Qian

BHSc (Latrobe), MDent (Latrobe), General Dentist

Dr Conny Qian is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).

Dr Conny Qian’s favourite subject in Year 12 was biology, and she enjoyed working with her hands. Combined with positive experiences while going to the dentist as a child and teenager, she decided that a career in dentistry would allow her to blend these interests and skills perfectly.

Conny is a graduate of LaTrobe University, with a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Dentistry and a Master of Dentistry. After graduating in 2019, she began practising in private and hospital settings in Bendigo, before returning to her Melbourne hometown.

We love seeing her make every dental visit for her patients as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, while helping them achieve healthy and confident smiles./p>

Conny knows the importance of ongoing dental education, and she has completed further education in Invisalign and cosmetic injectables.

Conny’s overall practice surrounds improving the oral health of all Victorians. In 2022, she was elected as a councillor on the Board of the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch. She sees this appointment as an ideal springboard to advocate for the profession, while promoting oral health.