BDS (Syd), Grad.Dip.Ortho (CoL), FPFA, FIADFE, General Dentist
Dr Con Varvaressos is a male General Dentist who speaks Greek (as well as English).
Dr Con Varvaressos is a very proud dad, husband and general dentist who has a genuine love for Orthodontics. So much so, that he predominately sees patients at our clinic for their Orthodontic needs.
In 2002, Con graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) from the prestigious University of Sydney (BDS). He was honoured with the Haddom Kemp medal for his efforts in his final year of undergraduate study.
In 2003, Con was invited to teach Oral surgery at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney. Since graduating, he has also worked in Private General Dental Practice and as a General dentist working for a Specialist Orthodontist.
Con completed Orthodontics I, II & III (2004-2006) CE Dentistry from the University of Sydney. Con has completed the Excellence in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics (EODO) mini residency twice (2004-2008). Con is the Senior Instructor at EODO (2009-Present). By 2016 he achieved his Diploma in Clinical Orthodontics – City of London (CoL) Dental School.
In 2023, Con was inducted as fellow of the prestigious and internationally renowned Pierre Fauchard Academy. Fellowship in the Academy is by nomination and is designed to honour past accomplishments in the field of dentistry and encourage future productivity. Fellows are selected based on contributions to dental literature, service to the profession, and service to the general community.
Con loves being a general dentist who provides Orthodontic treatment with a very high level of care. He feels there is nothing more rewarding and satisfying in dentistry than the day the braces come off and the patient smiles.