Dr Claudia M Beltran Aya Dental on Flinders Melbourne

Dr Claudia M Beltran Aya

BDSc (Hons) (Colombia), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Implants) (JCU), General Dentist

Contact Dr Claudia M Beltran Aya

Dr Claudia M Beltran Aya is a female General Dentist who speaks Spanish (as well as English).

Dr Claudia Beltran qualified as a Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Colombia in 2005.

Upon completion of her master’s degree, she established her private practice providing a full range of surgical services to patients such as implant surgery, orthognathic surgery, surgical extractions, including wisdom teeth, and treatment of facial trauma.

An opportunity to broaden her horizons and experience the Australian lifestyle led Claudia to move to Australia and then she successfully obtained her Australian Dental Board registration as a general practitioner.

Claudia continued to further her knowledge in dental Implants and All on 4 surgery. She had the opportunity to travel to Portugal and accomplished the clinical residency from the creator of the All on 4 concept. She has been practicing it in Australia since then. Also, she obtained a graduate diploma in dental implants from James Cook University.

Dr Claudia is a member of ADA (Australian Dental Association), ITI (International team for implantology), ICOMS (international conference of oral and maxillofacial surgery), ACCOMF (oral and maxillofacial association of Colombia), and AOS (Australasian Osseointegration Society).

Dr Claudia combines her surgical skills, knowledge, and experience from all aspects of her training to provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan.

Currently, Dr Claudia’s interests include wisdom teeth extractions, complex extractions, implant surgery, All on 4 surgery, bone grafting, sinus lift, surgical exposure of impacted teeth, and dentoalveolar surgery. Also, she is accredited at the Avenue and Glenferrie Private Hospitals for general anaesthetic procedures.