BA, BDSc (Melb), FRACDS, FADI, FICD, FPFA, General Dentist
Dr Christopher M Callahan is a male General Dentist.
Chris studied Dentistry at Melbourne University. After graduation he was Resident Dental Officer at the Alfred Hospital and then entered general practice. In 1987 he completed his Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.
Chris has practiced in several locations, including Moorabbin, Kew and Coburg.
He began practice at Malvern Village Dental in 1990.
Chris is a visiting consultant at the Alfred Hospital. He has particular interest in removable prosthodontics, dental materials and special needs dentistry.
Chris enjoys treating families, whether children, parents, grandparents or occasionally great grandparents. Each generation can support the family experience of dentistry, and Chris finds the experience of being an “extended family member” one of the most rewarding parts of practice.