Dr Gareth Ho Simplybraces Ashfield

Dr Gareth Ho

BDS (Hong Kong), MDSc (Orth) (Syd), MDSc (Paed) (Melb), FRACDS, MRACDS (Orth), MRACDS (Paed), Specialist Orthodontist and Specialist Paediatric Dentist

Dr Gareth Ho is a male Specialist Orthodontist and Specialist Paediatric Dentist who speaks Cantonese and Mandarin (as well as English).

Dr Gareth Ho specialises in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry. He has worked in six major hospitals, including Royal Children’s Hospital of Melbourne and Sydney Dental Hospital. Dr Ho has taught undergraduate and postgraduate students at universities in Sydney, Melbourne and Hong Kong.

As a double-qualified Specialist Orthodontist holding two Master’s Degrees, Dr Ho is an expert in his field. He also has a particular interest in early intervention and complex case management.

Dr Gareth Ho gained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree from Hong Kong University in 1989. After completing his Master of Dental Science in Paediatric Dentistry in Melbourne, he obtained further clinical training as the Senior Registrar at the Royal Children Hospital in Melbourne in 1992. He obtained his second specialist qualification MDSc (Orthodontics) at the University of Sydney in 1997.

Between 2000 and 2012, Dr Ho has worked concurrently at both public and private practices, including eight years in Aboriginal Medical Services; five years at the United Dental Hospital; and 10 years at HCF Chatswood Dental Centre; whilst also travelling to Box Hill, Victoria for over 10 years to provide orthodontic assessment and treatment to local Chinese Community. Since 2001, Dr Ho has been practising in his private orthodontic surgery in Burwood, NSW. In 2007, Dr Ho established The Australian Centre for Adult Orthodontics and Orthopaedics (ACAOO) in CBD, Sydney, where he is the Principal Orthodontist. The centre provides orthodontic services exclusively to adults and is dedicated to provide treatment in adult malocclusion and related conditions, focussing on facial harmony. In his Burwood surgery, Dr Ho continues to provide free orthodontic assessment for children under 8 years of age. He also provides free orthodontic treatment to public patients through the Give-A-Smile program run by the ASO. Dr Ho also assists disadvantaged families (Health Care Card Holders) by offering orthodontic treatment with a special discount.

Dr Ho has taught at several institutions, including the University of Hong Kong (1993-1994); the Westmead College of Dental Therapy and the Westmead Dental Hospital (1994-1997); Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Westmead Dental Clinical School, NSW (1995-1996); the United Dental Hospital (now Sydney Dental Hospital) (1997-1999); and Westmead Hospital (1999-2003).