BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist
Dr Cherie HT Yam is a female General Dentist.
Dr Cherie graduated from Griffith University with a Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science and Graduate Diploma in Dentistry. Since finishing her training, she has undergone continuous education in Orthodontics, Implant Restorations, Prosthodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry. She also has experience working in private and boutique clinics in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Aside from clinical dentistry, Dr Cherie also taught as a clinical supervisor at the Griffith University Dental Clinic for dental students in their final years.
Dr Cherie is a caring and gentle dentist passionate about educating patients about oral conditions so they can make informed decisions on their teeth. She strives to create a relaxed environment and relieve dental anxiety in the chair.
Dr Cherie was also awarded the Abano Healthcare Clinical Excellence Award for Anterior Aesthetics in 2023.