BDSc (WA), DClinDent (Paediatric Dentistry) (WA), Specialist Paediatric Dentist
Dr Chaturi NG Neboda Wathuragamage is a female Specialist Paediatric Dentist who speaks Sinhalese (as well as English).
Dr Chaturi Neboda graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia in 2011. Following graduation, she worked both in Albany and in Adelaide prior to commencing a three-year postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) degree through the University of Western Australia. During the three-year program, she divided her time at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and at the Oral Health Centre of Western Australia.
She has won multiple awards including the International Association of Dental Research (IADR) travel prizes, Australia and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Dentists (ANZSPD) Post-graduate essay competition, ANZSPD (WA branch) travel award and prestigious Alistair Devlin Memorial Scholarship. As a part of her awards, she was able to travel to Adelaide, New Zealand and San Francisco to present her research. Furthermore, she spent time at the Boston Children’s Hospital and Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Ireland, as a part of her scholarship.
One of her main areas of interest is oral health of children in disadvantaged communities. Chaturi was also part of the Princess Margaret Hospital Refugee Health Program, volunteering to assess oral health of newly migrating refugee children and managing their care appropriately. Additionally, she was instrumental in setting up the Christmas Island Oral Health Research Project (on-going) to obtain baseline oral health status of this remote community. Chaturi is also an active member of the Kimberley Dental Team, a charitable organisation providing dental care to children in the Northern Indigenous communities of Western Australia. In recognition of Chaturi’s volunteer work and multiple awards, she was presented with a Fellowship of the International College of Dentists in 2018.
Following graduation, Chaturi has continued to hold a part-time senior registrar position whilst working in private practice. She is also currently enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy in the field of molar-incisor hypomineralisation. Her honorary appointments include research student representative at UWA Dental School and committee member of ANZSPD (WA).