BDent (Hons) (Syd), DClinDent (Pros) (Syd) MRACDS (Pros), BSc (Mathematics), Specialist Prosthodontist
Dr Michael Chang is a male Specialist Prosthodontist who speaks Korean (as well as English).
Dr Michael Chang joined the Dental School at the University of Sydney to fulfil his childhood dream. In 2005, Michael completed his Bachelor of Dentistry with honours and worked in private practice for 7 years before travelling to the United States where he received training in implant surgery under the tutelage of world-renowned surgeon Professor Peter Moy at UCLA. In 2015, Michael returned to Sydney, to be trained as a specialist in the field of prosthodontics, finally being awarded a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry and admitted into the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in 2017.
Michael has a special interest in dental implants, digital technologies and is the former course coordinator for pre-clinical fixed prosthodontics at the University of Sydney.