BDS (Otago), MDSc (Ortho) (Syd), General Dentist
Dr Caroline HY Oh is a female General Dentist who speaks Korean (as well as English).
Dr Caroline Oh has over 10 years experience practicing as a dentist in Sydney and abroad, with dedicated interest and expertise in the fields of Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implantology and Orthodontics including Invisalign, to enhance your smile with confidence.
Dr Caroline Oh was awarded a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Otago in New Zealand in 2001. Since then, she has worked in a number of private practices in Sydney and Queensland, and also in Manitoba, Canada.
Dr Caroline Oh enjoys every aspect of dentistry. In particular, her special interest in Orthodontics led her to undertake an additional three years of study, completing a Masters degree in Orthodontics from the University of Sydney, and has published an article in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics in 2010. For three years Dr. Oh also worked with one of the leading Orthodontists in Australia. Dr. Oh has futher enhanced her knowledge above and beyond by completing her Primary Examinations for the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons (FRACDs). She has spent some time working as a lecturer in the department of Preventive Dental Science in the University of Manitoba, Canada. She is currently undertaking a Diploma in Dental Implantology through Charles Sturt University.
Dr Caroline Oh is passionate about providing quality treatment for each patient she sees and strives for improving their overall oral wellbeing. Her gentle and friendly manner always makes her patients feel comfortable.