BDSc (Qld), BEng (Hons), General Dentist
Dr Carmen KM Chong is a female General Dentist who speaks Cantonese and Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Carmen Chong obtained her Bachelor of Dental Science degree from the University of Queensland and is a member of the Australian Dental Association and Australian Society of Endodontology. Since graduating, Carmen has managed two busy dental practices in Sydney before moving back to Brisbane where she grew up. Carmen enjoys all aspects of general dentistry but has a special interest in orthodontics and implant dentistry. Carmen continues to update her skills by attending numerous continuing education courses in these areas as well as others.
Prior to dentistry, Carmen contracted with the Royal Australian Air Force developing and reviewing aviation industry management systems. During her time working as a service provider, she pursued her passion for flying and aviation. In her spare time, she also enjoys travelling, skiing and mountain climbing.