BDSc (CSU), General Dentist
Dr Caitlin A Crowley is a female General Dentist.
When you first meet Caitlin, it’s easy to warm to her friendly and kind nature. Having grown up in Bathurst, she values family and her local community.
When she gets the chance, she loves to catch up with her family and friends on the Coast, in Sydney or back home.
Caitlin worked in the dental industry for over 10 years and did some volunteer work in Cambodia, while completing her degree in dentistry at Charles Sturt University.
Here, Caitlin achieved numerous academic and clinical awards, including the ADA (NSW Branch) Prize for the Highest Academic and Clinical Achievement and the Colgate Prize for the Best Overall Performance. She is also a member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA).
Caitlin joined the Renwick Dental team in 2017 and is a well-rounded clinician. She offers a high standard of care, with a particular interest in extractions, root canal treatment, aesthetic restorations, aligners and looking after children and anxious patients.
Caitlin improves her knowledge by attending continuing education courses and is a strong believer in the importance of oral health for maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle.