DDM, General Dentist
Dr Beyza O Ongun is a female General Dentist who speaks Turkish (as well as English).
Dr Beyza Ongun has had a long-term desire to work in healthcare, combining her hand crafting skills and creativity has pushed her to pursue a career in dentistry. Dr Ongun loves getting to know her patients and their families, she strives to help patients with fears around a trip to the dentist.
Dr Ongun is passionate about dentistry and strives to have a relaxed atmosphere, aiming to calm her patients.
Dr Ongun started her dental career in 2004 after graduating from Cukurova University with a with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and has completed the Australian Dental Council Accreditation. She is member of the International Team for Implants, Australian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics, Smile Academy and Invisalign.