Dr Ash Dhapodkar Narre Warren Dental Care Narre Warren

Dr Ash Dhapodkar

BDS, General Dentist

Dr Ash Dhapodkar is a female General Dentist who speaks Hindi and Marathi (as well as English).

Dr Ash is well versed in all aspects of dentistry and particularly enjoys improving smile and aesthetics in hopes to improve self-satisfaction and confidence of all patient.

Growing up, Dr Ash always wanted to be in the medical field, and decided that dentistry was the perfect profession that would allow her to be creative yet scientific. Since graduating from Mumbai University (MUHS) in 2006, Dr Ash Sagar has worked to build caring, quality and effective relationships with her patients.

In order to provide the best care for her patients, Dr Ash stays up to date with the latest advancements in the field through continuing professional development courses and seminars each month. As well as has diploma in Progressive Orthodontics, Clear Correct, C fast,Smile fast, Myo braces, Full mouth rehabilitation (FMR), Digital Smile Design (DSD), Soft Tissue LASER.