Dr Anthony J Burges Drummoyne Dental Surgery Drummoyne

Dr Anthony J Burges

BDS (Syd), FRACDS, FICD, FPFA, FADI, General Dentist

Dr Anthony J Burges is a male General Dentist.

Tony graduated from the University of Sydney in 1988; as a country boy he initially practiced in Dubbo and Coonamble before relocating to Drummoyne in 1992. Tony was made a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons by examination in 2000 and also made a fellow of the International College of Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry International and the Pierre Fauchard academy in recognition of his involvement in dental activities. Tony has been actively involved in dental activities since graduation, sitting as a member of the Branch Council of the Australian Dental Association since 1995 and serving as the President of the Australian Dental Association (NSW Branch) from 2006 until 2009. He remains active on both the State and Federal Association’s council and is on a number of committees dealing with infection control, professional indemnity and third party issues.

He was recently appointed by the NSW Health Minister to the Dental Council of New South Wales.

Tony is a strong believer in continuing education for dentists and their staff; he has been involved with a number of dental groups including the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Pediatric dentistry, Special Needs in Dentistry, the Australian Society of Endodontic and the Australian Society for Special Needs Dentistry.. He is currently the chairman of the ADA (NSW) Dental Education centre, the largest provider of dental continuing education in Australia. The centre provides dental education to all members of the dental workforce via hands on courses, lectures and web based options.

Tony has a strong interest in treating children ensuring that the first introduction to dentistry is a positive one, he served for many years on the executive of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Pediatric Dentistry and remains a member of this group.. He also has done postgraduate study in the area of dental implants and can provide guidance on the suitability of replacing missing teeth or other alternatives for missing teeth.