BSc, BDSc (Melb), MDSc (Ortho) (Syd), Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Annu Nangia is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Nangia received her Bachelor of Dental Science degree from the University of Melbourne and obtained her Masters of Dental Science in Orthodontics from the University of Sydney in 2001. She also has a Bachelor of Science degree from Monash University. She is a member of the Australian Dental Association, the Australian Society of Orthodontists, and a Fellow of the World Federation of Orthodontists.
Dr Nangia began her career as a dentist with Queensland Health in 1996, working in Hervey Bay and Indooroopilly before commencing private orthodontic practice in 2001. She takes an active role in the promotion and development of orthodontics and is currently Secretary of the Australian Orthodontic Society (Queensland branch).