Dr Anh TN Tran Fitzroy Dental Fitzroy

Dr Anh TN Tran

BDSc (Melb), General Dentist

Dr Anh TN Tran is a female General Dentist who speaks Vietnamese (as well as English).

Graduated in 1999 from Melbourne University, now with over 20 years of private practice experience in inner Melbourne, Dr Tran has serviced her community’s dental needs particularly in the inner city area of Fitzroy. She is caring, compassionate, gentle and very though for all her patients.

Dr Tran practices all facets of dentistry and particularly enjoys treating children, teenagers and their families and friends. Many patients have been seeing her for 20 years and now attend with their children. Regarding patient care Dr Tran is passionate about the pursuit of excellence providing high quality dental treatment for all.

She enjoys the challenges of the diversity of general practice, and offers the full range of services including preventive dentistry, kids dental treatment, restorative dentistry including veneers, crown and bridge work, oral surgery and implants, orthodontics and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) affected oral facial pain. She has a particular interest in oral surgery and implant surgery and often performs complex and highly skilled surgical procedure of wisdom teeth removal and implant placements involving sinus lift, bone augmentation procedures. She has graduated from a comprehensive orthodontics program, graduating with the highest honour, offering excellent orthodontics to all her patients. She has since been invited as an instructor for POS orthodontics teaching Aligners and invisible braces in Australia and internationally. She loves sharing knowledge with her dental colleagues.