BDSc (Melb), General Dentist
Dr Andrew P Boorer is a male General Dentist.
Dr Andrew Boorer has been caring for patients in the Petrie community for over 20 years. Following in his father's footsteps, Dr Boorer is committed not only to his patients' dental needs but also their overall health and wellbeing. Staying up-to-date with the latest treatments and procedures is important to Andrew. He consistently invests his time participating in additional courses and programs.
As a Las Vegas Institute (LVI) graduate, Andrew has excellent insight and skills in advanced dental techniques and concepts. LVI training has enabled him to look at a patient’s complete health situation to try and find the underlying cause of the problem.
Dr Boorer and his wife, Karen, are kept busy with their three sons, Flynn, Ned and Archer. When not at work, he loves spending time with family and friends. He usually spends weekends watching the boys play various sports and squeezing in his many recreational pursuits, which include triathlons and trail running. During the football season, if you hear someone shouting out “Go the Bombers” you can safely bet it will be him!