Dr Amy L Calvin Orange Family Dental Orange

Dr Amy L Calvin

BClinSc, BDSc (CSU), General Dentist

Dr Amy L Calvin is a female General Dentist.

Dr Amy Calvin is a native of the coastal town of Taree, NSW and sometimes still misses the beach. She holds a Bachelor of Dental Science Degree from Charles Strut University where she also earned a degree in Clinical Science. In both fields of study, she earned the prestigious Dean’s Award. She has lived in Orange, NSW since 2010, and began working as a dentist the day her registration came through in 2017.

Dr Calvin believes that dentistry is what she was born to do. “I love talking with people and helping them to get healthy, stay healthy or change their smile completely,” says Dr Calvin. “It is also wonderful changing people’s age-old perception of what a dentist does and bringing people into the exciting future of dentistry in the digital age.” She also loves watching families grow and seeing children have fun at the dental clinic.

Dr Calvin is currently completing further studies in Aesthetic Dentistry and has a focus on creating confident smiles for her patients.