Dr Amjad  Aghdaei Dubbo Family Dentists Dubbo

Dr Amjad Aghdaei

BDent (Syd), BSc (Syd), General Dentist

Dr Amjad Aghdaei is a male General Dentist.

Dr Amjad has called Dubbo home for more than 4 years now. Dr Amjad’s great love for Dubbo and commitment to the great patients that he had treated at Macquarie Family Dentists, drove him to have his wife join him in Dubbo and make Macquarie Family Dentists their own. They have since purchasing Macquarie Family Dentists given it a fresh name - Dubbo Family Dentists and have introduced some innovative ideas to improve the quality of service offered to its patients.

Amjad is a self-proclaimed workaholic and will never turn away a patient in need. An emergency contact number for the practice, for patients to contact him if ever in strife, has been added. He aspires to be able to continually offer the most modern and state-of-the-art dental practice for the people of the region, and with his wife, Antonia, wishes to make Dubbo Family Dentists, a place to bring your family.