Dr Allister  Yan Healthy Smiles Dental Group Blackburn South

Dr Allister Yan

BDS (Otago), General Dentist

Contact Dr Allister  Yan

Dr Allister Yan is a male General Dentist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).

Born and bred in New Zealand, Allister graduated from Otago University in 1995. He continued to practice in New Zealand, owning 2 practices in Auckland, until the end of 2014 when he relocated with his family to Melbourne.

Allister brings a wealth of chair time knowledge and is passionate about preventative dentistry, believing that most dental problems can be prevented entirely or resolved more simply in their early stages. He has a strong interest in Aesthetic and restorative dentistry (fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, implants, and root canals) and is capable of tackling those more difficult tooth removals.

Since 2014, Allister has extended his cosmetic knowledge to incorporate FastBraces orthodontic treatment into his treatment planning for his patients. Treatment can often take less than 120 days. Allister has been a Senior Master Provider for Fastbraces since May 2019.

His main focus when treating patients is to ensure that they are comfortable during treatment, explaining each procedure in ways his patients can best understand. Allister likes to get to know his patients from day one, as gaining that trust is very important in the dentist/patient relationship. For the more anxious patients, Allister has been treating patients under conscious sedation or Sleep dentistry since 2000.