BDSc (Melb), General Dentist
Dr Agim Hymer is a male General Dentist who speaks Albanian (as well as English).
Dr Agim Hymer has been practicing dentistry for over 30 years in Melbourne, country Victoria and abroad. He is the principal dentist and founder of FirstBite Dental. Located in Essendon, FirstBite is a practice that has a strong focus on educating their patients on the importance of oral care.
Agim’s specific areas of interest are educating the public in becoming responsible for their own oral health, also ensuring that the dental profession will always offer the highest standard of care and provide the patient with an informed range of options that allow them to decide on the treatment plan that suits them best.
Dr Hymer travels the world lecturing in many aspects of dentistry. He is a senior lecturer for Progressive Orthodontics.”My aim is that dentists and the public are fully informed in what is available in the world of dentistry".