Dr Adrian P Courtenay BUPA Dental - Kensington Kensington

Dr Adrian P Courtenay

BDS (Syd), General Dentist

Dr Adrian P Courtenay is a male General Dentist.

Dr. Adrian Courtenay Dr Adrian Courtenay is the practice principal at Bupa Dental Kensington. He graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Sydney in 1981 and is a member of the Australian Dental Association. He wanted to work in dentistry so he could work with people in an environment where he could make a continued difference. Dr Courtenay’s interests are dental restorations using digital technologies such as the Chairside Economical Restoration of Aesthetic Ceramics (CEREC) system, cosmetic dentistry and implants. His favourite parts of working in the dental industry include helping to solve patient’s problems, helping people be guided to healthier, happier lives and being able to meet interesting people. He believes that oral health includes oral hygiene and healthy nutrition; and is linked to good general health.