Willeri Dental is a Dentist in Parkwood, WA with dentists including Dr Philene Ng, Dr David Lau and Dr Meheransh Chopra.
Suite 6
2 Madeira Road
Parkwood WA 6147
(08) 9457-8360
(08) 9457-9333
To make an appointment at Willeri Dental, please call (08) 9457-8360
Lydia Lee graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Oral Health Therapy from Curtin University in 2017. She focuses on providing gentle yet thorough scale and clean and periodontal treatment. Lydia is passionate about o...more...
Dr Philene Ng is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Ng graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Western Australia in 2020. Her practice focuses on restorative and preventative dentistry. She emphasises patient education and promotes awarenes...more...
Graduating from the University of Adelaide, Dr Lau commits to making dental care accessible. He works part-time at Fiona Stanley Hospital, focusing on supportive care for individuals with special needs and reducing de...more...
Dr Meheransh Chopra is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).
Graduating in 2009 from the University of Western Australia, Dr Chopra has a solid background in dentistry. After practising in Tasmania, he returned to Perth, leading Willeri Dental Parkwood with a focus on patient e...more...