Maven Dental Yokine is a Dentist in Yokine, WA with dentists including Dr Vijaya Wagh, Dr Michael Neuman, Dr Sophie Lai, Dr Naga Arepalli, Dr Emma Hunter and Dr Anton Esterhuysen.
212 Flinders Street
Yokine WA 6060
(08) 9349-6686
(08) 9345-1686
To make an appointment at Maven Dental Yokine, please call (08) 9349-6686
We offer all our regular patients an after hours emergency service.
Contact : 0406-403-821
We offer all our regular patients an after hours emergency service.
Lee was born in Durban, South Africa and has been a dental hygienist for over 25 years.
She started her career as a dental nurse and loved it so much that she headed back to the University of Witwatersrand to b...more...
Dr Vijaya Wagh, co-founder and senior dentist at Amelia Street Dental Clinic brings 27 years of expertise in general dental practice. Graduating from Government Dental College, University of Mumbai in 1994, she furthe...more...
Mrs Anne Spencer is a female Dental Hygienist who speaks Vietnamese (as well as English).
Anne chose to become a dental hygienist because she enjoys educating and treating people. “The satisfaction of improving someone’s oral health and overall wellbeing drives my passion for this field.” She graduat...more...
Dr Michael Neuman joined the Maven Dental Yokine team bringing with him a wealth of experience and knowledge. He qualified as a dentist from the Wits University, Johannesburg in the 1980s. Since graduating Michael has...more...
Dr Sophie became a dentist because she wanted to make a difference in people’s lives by helping them smile with confidence. Born and raised in Perth, Sophie studied locally, obtaining her Bachelor of Dental Science ...more...
Ms Annelise Ackermann is a female Dental Hygienist.
Dental Hygienist, Annelise Ackermann, was welcomed to the Maven Dental Yokine team in November 2007. Originally from South Africa, Annelise graduated from the University of Pretoria in 2006 with a Diploma in Dental Hy...more...
Dr Naga Shanti Priya Arepalli obtained her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Hyderabad, India in 2010. She later completed the Australian Dental Council Licensing exams and now practises in Maven Dental Yokine.
Dr Emma Hunter was welcomed to the Maven Dental Yokine practice as a highly passionate and experienced associate dentist. Dr Hunter completed her dental qualifications at the University of Dundee, Scotland, in 2010. S...more...
Dr Anton Esterhuysen is a male General Dentist who speaks Afrikaans (as well as English).
Dr Anton Esterhuysen joined the Maven Dental Yokine team as a dynamic and innovative dentist. Anton graduated from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, in 1993 with a dental degree. Prior to working at Maven Dent...more...