Delta Rockingham Dental is a Dentist in Rockingham, WA with dentists including Dr M Berrigan and Dr Kevin Siebel.
Unit 9
20 Merchant Drive
Rockingham WA 6168
(08) 9529-3711
(08) 9529-3722
To make an appointment at Delta Rockingham Dental, please call (08) 9529-3711
Dr M Berrigan is a female General Dentist who speaks Auslan (as well as English).
Dr Christine Berrigan is a friendly, gentle, and attentive dentist who is committed to providing the best possible care to her patients. Dr. Berrigan graduated from Dalhousie University, Canada in 2005 and worked ther...more...
Established as sole owner of Delta Rockingham Dental in 2006, Dr Kevin Siebel acquired extensive valuable general dentistry experience after graduating in 1993. Following acceptance for a Royal Australian Navy scholar...more...
Mr Sasha Vukelic is a male Dental Hygienist who speaks Serbian (as well as English).
Sasa has worked full-time with us since his graduation with an Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene from Curtin University in 2002. He has advanced his professional competencies in oral hygiene care and preventive denta...more...