Metropolitan Dental is a Dentist in Murdoch, WA with dentists including Dr Amanda Lau, Dr Thao Vu, Dr Nilesh Vidhate and Dr Li-May Loy.
Suite 1
7 Robson Way
Murdoch WA 6150
(08) 9313-7300
(08) 9332-2904
To make an appointment at Metropolitan Dental, please call (08) 9313-7300
Amanda graduated from the University of Western Australia with Honours in 2009. She also completed an additional research Honours degree, focusing on composite restorations (white fillings). Whilst at university, Aman...more...
Dr Thao Vu is a female General Dentist who speaks Vietnamese (as well as English).
Dr Nilesh Vidhate is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi and Marathi (as well as English).