Pioneer Health Dental is a Dentist in Mt Barker, WA with dentists including Dr Jessica Davison, Dr Silvia Jeffery, Dr Harry Tjoa and Dr Ahmed Saleh.
70 Marmion Street
Mt Barker WA 6324
(08) 9842-9680
(08) 9847-4979
To make an appointment at Pioneer Health Dental, please call (08) 9842-9680
Dr Harry Tjoa is a male General Dentist who speaks Indonesian and Mandarin (as well as English).
Harry completed his Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) at The University of Western Australia in 2019, following which he moved to Albany WA where he practised in private practice for three years. Practising in a small c...more...
Dr Ahmed Saleh is a male Specialist Periodontist who speaks Arabic (as well as English).
Ahmed completed his Bachelor Degree in Dentistry in 2001. He practised general dentistry for 11 years before starting his post- graduate training in Periodontics at UWA. He attained his Membership and Fellowship in Pe...more...